Sunday, September 15, 2013

Anger Management

Anger  is unavoidable among us. True enough, but if one is not feeling any anger
towards  unpleasant  experience  or events, then the person is not considered as
normal  human  being. Emotionally everyone should feel the adrenaline rush alike
sensation  whenever  they  are intimidated, insulted, scolded, feeling down, and
bad  mood.  To show your anger is an easy task, as most of us will automatically
do that before knowing it.

Showing  your  angry  side is easy as it is almost done automatically, how about
hiding  it? It is not that easy, unless you really know how to manage your anger
properly.  It  is not an easy task for everyone. Some people may find it hard at
the  beginning  but  manage to cope it later in their life; some find it easy at
first  as  they  are  good  in  toleration and perseverance. There are also some
cases  where  people  cannot  even manage their anger at all, and ended up being
sent  to  counselor,  or  locked  up  after  doing  something  stupid out in the

So,  how  do  we  manage  our  temper?  Anger  management  is all about relaxing
yourself.  There  are  many  ways  in diverting your angry mood away. Using ways
that  are  proven  by  doctors  or  psychiatrists  actually  helps you curb your
current  anger  issues,  and  also  towards  those  that  may happen in the near

Learn  how  to deal with your anger is a core subject to curbing your angry mood
down.  Anger  can  be  suppressed,  converted  or  diverted  to  other  forms of
energies.  Knowing  your limit is important in order to gauge your anger limits.
Some  people  did  it the wrong way of mild relaxation which appears to be wrong
because  he  or  she  has  a  very angry side when they are stepped on the tail.
Express  your  anger  in a low or moderate level is another good way to suppress
your  anger  level;  at  least  you  are not firing all your anger away which is
quite bombastic compared to others.

Terminating  the  anger  that has been together with you for long is not an easy
task   though.  For  instance,  Madam  Smith  has  her  experience  of  being  a
disciplinary  teacher  in  her local high school. Everyday she carries a face of
steel  and her job is to scold those kids who do not do good behaving themselves
in  the  school. Coming to the end of the day, she also disciplines her children
the  same way she teaches her students in school. This effort is hard to curb in
one  shot,  but  can  be done correctly if she is taught to think in a different
perspective,  reverse  thinking,  and learning to be different from what she was

Relaxation  is  one  of  the most effective anger management techniques. This is
not  only  a  way  to  enjoy  a  nice  pampering  treat to yourself, but also an
effective  way  to  treat  your short and minor anger- temporarily. Relaxing can
help  to  curb  anger  but  not for the serious types. Light matters or problems
within  you  for  instance  being neglected by your teacher for not viewing your
work.  You may have this passive anger inside you that puts yourself down, but a
good  treat with something that you like to do, like a trip off to the beach for
the sun tan you wished, is a good way to make you forget what has happened.

They  say  better  prevent  than cure. This is a good quote by doctors, and also
psychiatrists.  Preventing  yourself  from getting angry is a good way to manage
your  volcanic  action  of  anger  bursting  out  inside  of  you.  Learn better
communication  skills will keep you out of trouble whenever someone or something
sparks  your little devil inside you. Learn how to think before reacting is good
enough  to avoid bursting yourself uncontrollably, as it keeps yourself cool and
steady  to  think  of  a  way  to  solve  the  problem  in a more civilized way,
protecting your overall image too.

Last  but  not least, always have it in mind that anger within you is not a good
thing  to  have. Making yourself angry in the public will just scare people away
from  approaching  you,  losing  friends, family members, or employers. Learn to
tolerate  small events with a big heart, keeping the annoying and ugly angry you
out of the picture.

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